




1. 《don't cry》——guns n roses(美国 枪炮玫瑰乐队,简称枪花 硬摇滚)。这是我听过的之一首英文摇滚歌曲,当时正值高三非常时期(不好意思,本人高三之前由于太爱国了以至于很长一段时间不啻外国玩意儿),听完之后对我杀伤力太大了,一把鼻涕一把泪的,至少三天没缓过神来!想知道什么叫做痛不欲生吗?《don't cry》给你答案~!最后提醒众MM一下,主唱太FUCK帅了!


2.《the unforgiven》——Metallica(美国 名副其实的金属乐队 风格:鞭挞金属)。一首既能感动你又能撼动你的抒情金属作品。Metallica,一支可以用伟大来形容的重金属乐队,他们带给你的惊喜绝对超出你的期望!


3..《Ich Bin Der Brennende Komet 》——lacrimosa(瑞士 以泪洗面 风格:哥特)。强烈推荐这首歌!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!这几年就靠这首歌活着呢~!没这首歌的洗礼,咱的小灵魂早就干枯了……


4.《gone with the sin》——HIM(芬兰 恶魔殿下乐队 风格:哥特)。凄美无边的爱情之谣~!


5.《ich will》——Rammstein(德国 战车乐队 风格:工业金属)。这个乐队还用我仔细介绍吗?不知道的太逊了!我曾经跟一哥们儿说过,如果他们来中国开演唱会,即使票价再贵,卖血也要去~!如果临死之前上帝还有恩惠的话,那么给我来一段Rammstein的绝音吧!




6.《Forever Autumn》——lake of tears(瑞典 泪湖乐队 风格:哥特)。这歌儿太恬静了~!关于秋天的歌曲总带有几多感伤,淡而深,伤而逝……


7.《she is my sin》——nightwish(芬兰 夜愿乐队 风格:哥特金属)。芬兰国宝级哥特金属乐团。美声与摇滚的结合会不令你惊奇吗?该歌曲乃CS1.6版本的主题曲。


8.《back in black》——ACDC(澳大利亚 交流直流乐队 风格:硬摇滚),据我所知,这首歌做了不下7部电影的插曲了(比如《钢铁侠》),可见此歌的质量认可度有多高了。


9.《Cloud Connected》——in flames(瑞典 火焰中乐队 风格:旋律金属)喜欢玩魔兽世界的同学们肯定对这首歌很熟悉吧,不错,它就是魔兽世界中的最著名的法师之一的Vurtne在视频用过的一首经典歌曲~!


10.《take me away》——艾薇儿(加拿大 avril lavigne 风格:流行朋克)。Avril 的音乐足以同时感动女孩与男孩,以及一些富于冒险精神的成人。她的嗓音一如水晶般清澈,而她的歌词更是流露出纯粹的女性风格。


11.《I Love Rock N Roll 》——Joan Jett(美国费城 琼杰特 风格:硬摇滚)。视听链接:

12.《chop suey 》——System of a Down(美国 堕落体制 风格:另类金属)。视听链接:

13.《day of your belief》——Amorphis(芬兰 不定型物 风格:前卫金属)。《天下足球》里十佳球时经常放的背景音乐。视听链接:

14.《somewhere I belong》——linkin park(美国 林肯公园 风格:新金属)。Linkin Park已经堪称是当今所谓饶舌金属乐界,最亮眼突出的明星级乐队。像这么大牌的乐队,我就不浪费口舌了,一切让他们的音乐说话吧。


15.《rock is dead》——Marilyn Manson(美国 玛丽莲曼森 风格:工业金属)。这首歌是《黑客帝国》的主题曲。最酷的电影加最酷的音乐,这找谁说理去?!

关于,Marilyn Manson的风格的争论网上一直是喋喋不休,这个说是工业,那个说是哥特…… 有意义吗?你们这么较真,事实上连Marilyn Manson本人也不清楚自己是什么风格。好听不就得了,管那些干嘛?我个人还是倾向于工业这一方的。那些说是哥特的同志们,哥特不是说你把脸涂得跟一僵尸似的就是哥特的~!


16 .《18 and life》——skid row(美国 穷街乐队 风格:鞭挞金属)。听完这首歌的之一感觉是想骂一句:motherfunkin青春残酷,残酷青春,完了,谢谢~!


17.《In My Heaven》——Negative(芬兰 哥特金属)。这是我见过的最美的男人了!!!!!! 早在很久以前, *** 上就“Negative中那个金发的到底是谁?——男孩还是女孩?”不断有人进行激烈的争辩。他具有非常柔和的面部轮廓和线条,长而耀眼的金发,全身像女孩子一般光滑的皮肤——如果Jonne是一个女孩,这一切也就不会让人如此惊讶了。


18.《Beautiful Ones 》——Suede (英国 山羊皮 风格:英伦)。又一个妖娆的男人,不过他跟Negative所不同的是,不但人妖娆而且声音也妖娆,比Negative要更上一层楼,呵呵。


19.《Californication》——Red Hot Chili Peppers(英国 红辣椒 风格:放克金属)。前奏一起,你就会跟着摇摆~!温暖而有味的一首作品。


20.《Everytime I Die 》——Children of Bodom(芬兰 博多之子 风格:旋律死亡金属)。接下来给你推荐的这首着实会吓你一跳——如果你是一个不折不扣的流行歌迷的话。呵呵。



21.《Nymphetamine》——Cradle of filth(英国 污秽摇篮 风格:哥特黑金属)。喜欢黑金属的同学们注意了,给大家推荐一首英国国宝级黑金乐团的大作-Nymphetamine。可惜的是,这么好的乐队这么好的歌,许多视频里居然都删除了!!!这还有天理没???不过我还是在跋山涉水翻山越岭之后找到了链接。哈哈


22.《where did you sleep last night 》——NIRVANA(美国 涅盘 风格:Grunge)。这位不是人,乃神人也~!。有句话说的好,为人不识牛涅盘,听尽摇滚也枉然!!!

涅盘”的音乐路线源自于”讨厌鬼”(Melvins)和“低级戏法”(Cheap Trick)。他们的音乐理念深深地扎根于地下摇滚的土壤中,在他们的音乐里,你可以感受到“雨衣”(Raincoat)、“艺术朋克”的色彩以及“肉偶”(Meat Puppet)带有骚动乡村味的“硬核”。


23.《don't let me down》——The Beatles(英国利物浦 披头士 风格:摇滚鼻祖)。我的天!这是谁啊?我怎么把他们放在这里了??罪过罪过~!如果说NIRVANA是摇滚之神,那么披头士就是神中之神啊!!!

披头士乐队(The Beatles,又译甲壳虫乐队)毫无疑问是世界音乐界历史上最伟大,最有影响力,拥有最多歌迷,最为成功的乐队。披头士乐队对于流行音乐的革命性的发展与影响力无人可出其右,对于世界范围内摇滚的发展做出了非常巨大的贡献,影响了自60年代以后的数代摇滚乐队的音乐和思想,直接影响了摇滚乐的变革和发展。


24.《For the Love of God》——Steve Vai(美国纽约 史蒂夫范 风格:吉他大师)。听完之后你就会觉得吉他的声音有多美~!

曾获得包括葛莱美等无数奖项,神乎其技、极富创意的Steve Vai,是当今世界上摇滚吉他的之一把交椅。


25.《Path 》——Apocalyptica(芬兰 启示录 风格:古典金属)。Apocalyptica乐队所有的乐器就是四把大提琴,虽然是用大提琴,但他们却是不折不扣的金属党。谁说只有吉它和鼓才能做出摇滚乐来,而这4把大提琴同样可以做出震撼人心的效果来,他们的演奏技巧毫不逊色,并且在一些细节的处理上更为细腻和感性。


26.《Dream On》——Aero *** ith(美国 空中铁匠又叫史密斯飞船 风格:硬摇滚)。eminem曾经翻唱过的一首歌,撕心裂肺而感人~!乐队本身也是非常牛逼,据说是美国国宝级乐队——————-——之一,“之一”那也不错了,呵呵。


27.《working class hero》——green day(美国加州 绿日 风格:朋克)。这首歌原唱是约翰列侬,已经被好几只乐队翻唱过,本人觉得翻得最有感觉的还是green day的这首。

绿日(Green Day)乐队是90年代之后美国朋克音乐复兴时期的重要乐队之一,他们的成员深受70年代朋克音乐时期经典乐队影响,而简明上口的流畅旋律让他们的音乐更便于流行。在1994年涅磐王朝(Nirvana)崩塌之后,朋克音乐复兴与另类流行摇滚乐当道的时候,Green Day乐队也一跃成为了这股风潮的中流砥柱,成为了90年代以后更受欢迎的摇滚乐队之一,也是美国流行乐朋克复兴中最有影响的乐队之一。


28.《Your Love Is A Lie 》——Simple Plan(加拿大 简单计划 风格:朋克)。加入了RNB元素仍不失为一首有力度的作品。喜欢朋克的同学可别错过~!


29.《over my head 》——sum41(加拿大 风格:朋克)。CS的主题曲之一。乐队的大名想必热爱朋克的绝不陌生。听着他们的歌,玩着反恐精英,那感觉就甭提了。


30.《Where The Wild Roses Grow 》——Nick Cave(澳大利亚 风格:后朋克)。野玫瑰生长的地方,美的归宿终是死亡…… 很凄美的一首歌曲。但令我不解的是,他一个后朋先锋怎么会弄出这么哥特的东西来?管他呢,好听就行~!

31.《Wont Be Long 》——The Hives(瑞典 风格:车库)。The Hives是一只来自瑞典,法格斯塔(Fagersta)的车库摇滚或者说车库朋克乐队,2000年开始进军英美乐坛。

32.《Another Brick In The Wall》——Pink Floyd(英国 风格:迷幻摇滚)。你讨厌老师吗?讨厌学校吗?讨厌上课吗?讨厌应试教育吗?那就享受Pink Floyd带给你的反抗与自由吧~!

33.《Hurricane 2000》——Scorpions (德国 风格:硬摇滚)。前奏的熟悉感觉会让你想起国内某一乐队的歌,想知道是什么歌,听一下你就知道了,到时你肯定会发出“哦”的感叹~!

这首歌的特点是交响乐与摇滚的理性结合,带给摇迷重而不吵的畅 *** 。

34.《God Save the Queen》——The Sex Pistols(英国 风格:传统朋克)。朋克鼻祖,主唱西德,世界上最伟大的 *** ~!乐队作为:提出了无 *** 主义的论断。

35.《Bring me to life》——Evanescence(美国 风格:哥特金属)。飘渺美声,无言以释……这只能说明我有多爱这只乐队~!

36.《The Final Countdown 》——europe(瑞典 风格:鞭挞金属)。瑞典国宝级重金属乐队的先驱代表之一。很有力度的一首歌,前奏相当有感觉。有很多知名乐队翻唱过。我听过的有死金强团Norther和工业前卫乐队Laibach的版本。

37.《Hearts On Fire 》——Hammerfall(瑞典 风格:力量金属)。套用我一中学老师的口头禅:真娘的带劲~!仅以此话表达我对这首歌乃至这支乐队的挚爱~!他们的音乐有着英雄的气魄,听起来感觉酣畅淋漓,让你过足力量金属之瘾。

38.《Livin' on a Prayer》——bon jovi(美国 风格:流行金属)。对于这支乐队我只能沉默,好坏都不能说,呵呵。

39.《Fear Of The Dark 》——Iron Maiden(英国 风格:传统重金属)。铁娘子乐队的代表作,听听人家那SOLO~!

40.《A Secret Place 》——Megadeth(美国 风格:鞭挞金属)。

41.《Heaven and Hell》——Black Sabbath(美国 风格:厄运金属)。

42.《forever and one》——helloween(德国 风格:激流金属)。

43.《CLOCKS》——coldplay(美国 风格:英伦)。

44.《Never Gonna Stop》——Rob Zombie(美国 风格:)。

45.《Lullaby 》——the cure(英国 风格:学院派/后朋克)

46.《she is gone》——stealheart (美国 风格:流行金属)。

47.《Summernight City》——Therion(瑞典 风格:交响金属)。备选曲目:Abraxas

48.《The River Flows Frozen》——Eternal Tears of Sorrow(永恒悲泪 芬兰 风格:旋死金属)。

49.《real love》——slaughter(屠夫乐队)

50.《is this love》——whitesnake(白蛇乐队)。

51.《Little Angel 》——charon(冥河渡神 芬兰 风格:歌特金属)。

52.《Farewell》——To Die For(芬兰 风格:哥特金属)。

53.《Amber Girl》——Lacrimas Profundere(悲泪挽歌 德国 风格:歌特金属)。

54.《Keep on galloping 》——Korpiklaani(芬兰 风格:民谣金属)。

55.《london》——the clash(英国 风格:传统朋克)。

56.《Blitzkrieg Bop》——Ramones(美国 风格:传统朋克)。

57.《new dawn fades》——joy division(英国 风格:后朋克)。

58.《Famous Last Words 》——My Chemical Romance(美国 风格:EMO情绪摇滚)。

59.《Coming Undone 》——korn(美国 风格:新金属)。

60.《Wake Up 》——rage against the machine(美国 风格:新金属)。黑客帝国1主题曲

61.《take a look around》——limp bizkit(美国 风格:新金属)。

62.《Bawitdaba》——Kid Rock(美国 风格:新金属)。

63.《Before I Forget 》——Slipknot(美国 风格:金属核/新金属)。

64.《Nobody's Real 》——Powerman 5000(美国 风格:另类金属/新金属)。

65.《blitzkrieg》——Deathstars(瑞典 风格:工业金属)

66.《Elegy》——Leaves' Eyes(德国 风格:歌特金属)

67.《Pick Of Destiny》——Tenacious D(美国 摇棍之神片尾曲).

68.《House of the rising sun 》——The Animals(太好听了)

69.《Tears Do Not Fall 》——Bullet For My Valentine




Listen, Rose. You're going to get out of here. You're going to go on. You're going to make lots of babies, and you're going to watch them grow. You' re going to die and old, an old lady in her warm bed, not here, not this night, not like this. Do you understand me? (听着,罗斯。你要离开这里。你要去做的。你要活下去,生很多孩子,你要去看他们成长。你真是快要死了老,一位老太太在她温暖的床,别在这里,而不是今晚在这里,不是这样的。你了解我吗?)


I can't feel my body. Jack: Winning that ticket (for Titanic at a poker game) Rose, was the best thing that ever happened to me. It brought me to you, and I'm thankful (crying) you must (shivering) ...you must ... do me this honor. Promise me that you'll survive, that you won't give up, no matter what happens, no matter how hopeless. Promise me, now, Rose, and never let go of that promise, never let go. (我的身体冻僵了。杰克:赢了那张船票(《泰坦尼克号》)罗斯,玩扑克游戏的更好的事情我。让我认识了你,我很感激:(哭泣)你必须打哆嗦)…你要——要为我做这件事。答应我你多么让人绝望,永不放弃,不管发生什么事,不管多么绝望。答应我,现在,罗斯,永远不要忘记你的承诺,我们永不放弃。)


I'll never let go, Jack. I'll never let go, I promise. (罗斯:我决不放弃,杰克。我决不放弃,我保证。)


I remember my grandson asked me the other day, he said: "Grandpa, were you a hero in the great war?" 有一天我的小孙子问我"爷爷,你是大战中的英雄吗?

"No," I replied,” But I served in a company of heroes." 我回答:不......但我与英雄 们一同服役。"

三、简-爱 :

简:Why do you confide in me like this? What are you and she to me? You think that because I'm poor and plain, Ihave no feelings? I promise you, if God had gifted me with wealth and beauty, I would make it as hard for you to leave me now as it is for me to leave you. But He did not. But my spirit can address yours, as if both have passed through the grave and stood before heaven equal.您为什么对我讲这些?您和她(英格拉姆 *** )跟我有什么关系?您以为我穷,不好看,就没有感情吗?告诉你吧,如果上帝赐予我财富和美貌,我会让您难以离开我,就想我现在难以离开您。可上帝没有这样做,但我的灵魂能够同您的灵魂说话,仿佛我们都经过 坟墓,平等地站在上帝面前。

简:Let me go, sir.让我走,先生。

罗切斯特:I love you. I love you!我爱你。我爱你!

简:No, don't make me foolish.别,别让 *** 傻事。

罗切斯特:Foolish? I need you. What's Blanch to me? I know what I am to her. Money to manure her father's land with. Marry me, Jane. Say you marry me.傻事?我需要你,布兰奇(英格拉姆 *** )有什么?我知道我对她意味着什么,是使她父亲的土地变得肥沃的金钱。嫁给我,简 。说你嫁给我。

简:You mean it?你是说真的?

罗切斯特:You torture me with your doubts.Say yes,say yes(He takes hersintoshis arm and kisser her.)God forgive me.And let no men meddle with me.She is mine.Mine.你的怀疑折磨着我,答应吧,答应吧。(他把她搂在怀里,吻她。)上帝饶恕我,别让任何人干涉我,她是我的,是我的。



I can see it in your eyes. You have the look of a man who accepts what he sees because he is expecting to wake up. Ironically, this is not far from the truth. Do you believe in fate, Neo? 我能在你眼中看到。你有看的人接受他看到的,因为他希望从梦中醒来。具有讽刺意味的是,这与现实并不遥远。你相信命运么,尼奥?


No. 不


Why not? 为什么不?


Because I don't like the idea that I'm not in control of my life. 因为我不喜我的生命由别人掌权。


I know exactly what you mean. Let me tell you why you're here. You're here because you know something. What you know you can't explain. But you feel it. You've felt it your entire life. That there's something wrong with the world. You don't know what it is but it's there, like a splinter in your mind driving you mad. It is this feeling that has brought you to me. Do you know what I'm talking about? 我非常了解你的意思。让我告诉你为什么你在这里。你来到这里,是因为你知道一些事情了。你知道你不能解释。但你放心吧。你觉得你的一生。那个有毛病了世界。你不知道是什么,但它的存在,就像一个刺你的思想、反叫你癫狂了。正是这种感觉,已经把你带到我。你知道我在说什么吗?


The matrix? 矩阵?


Do you want to know what it is? The matrix is everywhere. It is all around us, even now in this very room. You can see it when you look out your window or when you turn on your television. You can feel it when you go to work, when you go to church, when you pay your taxes. It is the world that has been pulled over your eyes to blind you from the truth. 你想知道这是什么吗?矩阵无处不在。它就在我们的周围,即使是现在在这间屋子里。你能看到它当你看它的时候你的窗口或当你打开你的电视上。你可以感觉到如果你去上班,当你去教堂,当你付出你的税赋。这是世界上拦下来,你的眼睛瞎了你远离实际情况的了。


What truth? 什么?


That you are a slave, Neo. Like everyone else you were born into bondage, born into a prison that you cannot *** ell or taste or touch. A prison for your mind...... Unfortunately, no one can be told what the matrix is. You have to see it for yourself. This is your last chance. After this there is no turning back. You take the blue pill, the story ends, you wake up in your bed and believe whatever you want to believe. You take the red pill, you stay in wonderland, and I show you how deep the rabbit hole goes...... Remember, all I'm offering is the truth, nothing more...... 你是一个奴隶,尼欧。像其他人一样你出生在束缚,出生在一个监狱,你不能气味和口味或触摸。监狱你的头脑……不幸的是,没有一个人能得到矩阵究竟是什么。你应该靠自己去了解它。这是你最后一次机会。1这事以后,不能再回头。你选择蓝色药丸,这个故事结束了,你会在你的床上醒来,相信你所想相信的东西。你选红药丸,你留在爱丽丝梦游的仙境,我告诉你怎么深兔子洞去……请记住,所有我要给说的都是事实,其他什么也不做……


[Amélie hands a begger some money] (爱美丽给一个乞丐一些钱)


Sorry madam, I don't work on Sundays. 对不起,女士,星期天我不工作。


Jim: Michelle, you're the one woman I want to be with and the woman I can't be without. I love you ! 米歇尔,你是我想要的女人是我不能失去的女人。我爱你!

Michelle: Jim, I have trouble finding the words to tell you how I feel and I realize something. Love isn't just a feeling, Love is something you do. It's a dress, a visit to bandcamp, a speacial haircut. Jim you've give me everything I've ever wanted and It's my solemn vow to give everything I am to you .吉姆,我不用担心找不到的词来告诉你如何,我觉得,我才知道什么。爱不是只有一种感觉,爱是你要做什么。这是我的衣服,去bandcamp,一个特别的发型。吉姆你把所有东西都给我,我想要的庄严的宣誓,同样,我给我的一切都给你


Kay: Michael, why did you come here? Why? What do you want with me after all this time? I've been calling and writing.为什么来这里?为什么?你想让我做什么怎么样?我一直找你。

Michael: I came because I need you. I care for you.迈克尔:我来,因为我需要你。”我关心你。

Kay: Please stop it, Michael.凯:请住手,迈克尔。

Michael: Because... I want you to marry me.迈克尔:因为…我希望你嫁给我。

Kay: It's too late.凯特:太迟了。

Michael: Please, Kay...I'll do anything you ask to make up for what's happened to us. Because that's important, Kay. Because what's important is that...we have each other. That we have a life together. That we have children. Our children. Kay, I need you. And I love you.凯:迈克尔,你.....迈克尔:请,凯…我会为你做任何事情来弥补的发生的事件。因为那是很重要的,凯。因为那很重要的是…我们拥有彼此。我们有一个生活在一起。我们有孩子。我们的孩子。凯特,我需要你。我爱你


Rhett: I’m not asking you to forgive me. I’ll never understand or forgive myself. And if a bullet gets me, so help me, I’ll laugh at myself for being an idiot. But there’s one thing that I do know. And that is I love you, Scarlett. In spite of you and me and the whole silly world going to pieces around us, I love you. Because we’re alike. Bad lots, both of us. Selfish and shrewd. But able to look things in the eyes and call them by their right names.“


Scarlett: Don’t hold me like that. 斯佳丽:别这样抱着我。

Rhett: Scarlett, look at me. I love you more than I’ve ever loved any woman. And I’ve waited longer for you than I’ve ever waited for any woman.” 瑞特:斯佳丽,看着我。我爱你胜过爱任何女人。我等待你比等待任何一个女人都要久。


Roy Cronin: The ballet was beautiful. 罗伊·克罗宁:今晚的芭蕾舞美极了。

Myra Lester: Madame didnt think so. 玛拉·莱斯特:夫人可从来不这么想。

Roy Cronin: Well, experts never know - it takes outsiders to know, and I tell you, it was beautiful. 罗伊·克罗宁:那么,专业人士从来就不懂的--只有门外汉才懂,让我来告诉你,它就是美极了。

Myra Lester: That certainly proves youre an outsider.玛拉·莱斯特:那这就证明你完全是一个门外汉。


Executioner:It can all end,right now.Peace.Bliss.Just say it.Cry outmercy.Cry out.Just say it.Mercy.刽子手:它就结束,对,现在!说。哭泣吧。大声呼喊吧。你这可怜的人 ,上帝会宽恕你的。

Hamish:Mercy lad,mercy.哈密士:可怜的小伙子,原主宽恕你。


Executioner:The prisoner wishes to say a word.刽子手:犯人希望的说不出话来。

William:freedom(William is beheaded)威廉:(高呼)自由!(威廉被斩首)

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The author of a new book on the Facebook founder reveals some of the characteristics that makes Mark, Mark.


Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg is one of the youngest billionaires in the world, and avisionary with over a billion customers affected by his decisions on a regular basis.


Of course, Mark doesn't run Facebook by himself, but he has created a culture and brought in top level partners like Sheryl Sandberg to run areas where her strengths are most appropriate. According to the author of Think Like Zuck, Ekaterina Walter, entrepreneurs like Zuckerberg use five main factors in creating their company: Purpose, passion, product, people and partnerships. Walter, who is a "social innovator" at Intel, interviewed many employees and Facebook partners to learn more about what it means to think like Zuck.

当然,Facebook公司不是靠他一己之力经营的,但是他创造了一种文化,并将像雪莉-桑德伯格一样顶级的合作者带入公司,给他安排了最合适的职位。根据《像扎克一样思考》一书作者叶卡捷琳娜-瓦尔特的观点,像扎克伯格一样的企业家们会考虑五个因素来创建他们的公司:目标、 *** 、产品、用户和同伴。瓦尔特是因特尔公司的“革新者”,他访谈过很多求职者和Facebook公司的合作者,通过这种途径来了解如何像扎克一样思考。

The 5 P's


"Every entrepreneur's vision is unique," said Walter. She continued: "Zuck's passion fueled his purpose, and based on this passion he knew exactly where he wanted to go. His vision was 'How do I make the world more social and provide radical transparency?' Purpose should be center of every business. If you don't know where you want to go, it won't work. Zuck knows his purpose regardless of external pressures, and provides clear direction for long-term strategy. Purpose then builds to create a solid product that people can relate to and use. But you can't create it alone, you need to bring the right people on board, create a culture fit, and get them to stand behind your purpose. You also need to partner *** artly, with vendors, customers, or employees, and these partnerships need to compliment your skills and needs."

“每个企业家的视角都是独特的,”瓦尔特说。“扎克用他的 *** 给目标提供能量,也给自己提供方向。他的愿景是‘让人们的社交更为便利,更透明’。目标应该是每个公司的中心。如果你不知道你想要做什么,那它永远都不会成功。即使背负着巨大压力,但扎克一直都知道他的目标,并为公司长远发展提供明确方向。目标帮助公司提供更优秀的产品给顾客,并与顾客形成紧密联结。但是,你无法独立做到这些,你需要跟合适的人一起合作,营造有利于企业发展的文化氛围,然后让这些人一起朝你的目标努力奋斗。你也需要聪明地与你的卖主、顾客或职员合作,这种合作还有一个前提,就是这些人必须要首先认同你的能力并认可你的需求。”

For example Sandberg compliments Zuck in many of the operational areas of the company.


Can You Really Build a Company from Purpose?


In the book, Walter discusses how business interests should align with the entrepreneur's personal philosophy. Her example was Jake Nickell of Threadless, whose purpose is to empower the community of artists to share their artwork with people around the world. "He knew nothing about business or fulfillment, but helped make these artists visible, and brought a community to life," she said.

在书中,瓦尔特讨论了商业利益应该与企业家的个人哲学一致的问题。她列举了 Threadless公司的杰克-尼克尔的例子来说明,杰克的目标是想让艺术家们能够与全世界的人们分享自己的艺术作品。书中她说到:“他完全不懂商业或者执行方面的事情,他所做的仅仅是让人们看到这些艺术家,并因此让这个联盟重获生机。”

I asked if every entrepreneur needs such a grand purpose. Walter cited pizza franchise owner Ramon DeLeon who delivers pizza through the snow, or randomly to pregnant women who tweet that they're hungry, because he's passionate about customers. For him, it's not about the food, but it's about the customers. "Even a coffee shop owner must love coffee, must love customers coming in," she added. That's their equivalent of making a great product like Zuck and the Facebook team.

我问是否每个企业家都需要一个这样远大的目标,瓦尔特回答说,pizza franchise公司的创始人雷蒙-德利翁在下雪天仍提供披萨外送服务,还会给那些发微博说很饿的孕妇送餐,因为他真诚的为顾客考虑。对他来说,他的事业最重要的部分不是食物,而是顾客。“咖啡店老板必须热爱咖啡,也爱着光顾 *** 的每位顾客,”她说。这对他们的意义,与扎克和他的facebook团队想要开发出更好的产品给用户使用,是相同的。

Is Fun at Work Just a Gimmick?


Facebook provides free lunch, and has all nighter hackathons. Zappos managers sit in a monkey pit of decorations, palm trees, and bananas. Is this all just a gimmick? "There is time for play and time for work at these companies," said Walter. "They hire people who fit the culture, and it doesn't feel like work. Facebook has free meals so their people can sit together and talk about ideas, meet other team members, and create relationships. I meet with all my teammates at Intel, take them out to lunch, and learn about them. When you know them personally, you have an opportunity to help them, createadvocacy, and create influence in a matrix organization. If you can be flexible with an employee that's dealing with a personal crisis, you will get back loyalty."


Leaders are Like Hummingbirds


One of the best areas of the book, and one that I would have expanded upon, is Walter's "Hummingbird Model of Leadership."


She cites 10 factors that are like characteristics of a humming bird, but the most important to her is flexibility. "Hummingbirds can fly forwards, backwards, and they can stop and hover, which few other animals can do. Leaders need the ability to go fast when needed, stop, think, assess and have an environment of agility where they can learn and move with flexibility. Leaders like Zuck and Jobs have this kind of ability. They have intuition, and they trust their purpose. For example, Zuck had the idea of Facebook as a platform in his "Book of Change" notes years before it was announced at the developer conference."


  • 评论列表:
  •  泪灼述情
     发布于 2022-08-08 20:18:48  回复该评论
  • d make it as hard for you to leave me now as it is for me to leave you. But He did not. But m
  •  离鸢七禾
     发布于 2022-08-09 00:54:10  回复该评论
  • dvocacy, and create influence in a matrix organization. If you can be flexible with an employee that's dealing with a personal crisis, you will g
  •  辞眸馥妴
     发布于 2022-08-08 18:16:16  回复该评论
  • Roy Cronin: The ballet was beautiful. 罗伊·克罗宁:今晚的芭蕾舞美极了。 Myra Lester: Madame didnt think so. 玛拉·莱斯特:夫人可从来不这么想。 Roy Cronin: Well,
  •  可难眉妩
     发布于 2022-08-08 21:09:35  回复该评论
  • 到它当你看它的时候你的窗口或当你打开你的电视上。你可以感觉到如果你去上班,当你去教堂,当你付出你的税赋。这是世界上拦下来,你的眼睛瞎了你远离实际情况的了。neo: What
  •  只酷西奺
     发布于 2022-08-08 22:50:55  回复该评论
  • 朋克”的色彩以及“肉偶”(Meat Puppet)带有骚动乡村味的“硬核”。 视听链接: 23.《don't let me down》——The Beatles(英国利物浦 披头士 风格:


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